Wildcard DNS on a Shared Hosting Account

I needed Wildcard DNS for WordPress 3.0, for the new Multi-Site features. I have WP3.0 Multi-Site (Subdomains) working on a shared hosting account (the $4.95/month kind). It might work on a lot of hosts, I’m using LunarPages.

I set up wildcard DNS from CPanel, simply putting * (asterisk) in the subdomain name, for each domain I want blogs for (mydomain.com, myotherdomain.com, mythirddomain.info, etc).

The only thing I needed my hosting provider’s help with was moving my existing site from public_html to an add-on domain (they had to change the server’s DNS record); I didn’t want my web site and WordPress in the same folder. No need to have them figure out the correct A records or CNAME records, so if it works in your hosting account, this is much easier.

I had to install WP3 in public_html for it to work, even with the wildcard DNS working; the Multi-Site features wouldn’t work with WP installed in an add-on domain. (Said another way, WP3 had to be in public_html.)

In this setup, creating a sub-subdomain, e.g. chess.blogs.mydomain.com, makes a folder chess in public_html, not in public_html/blogs. So you’d have to include that in your mapping. I haven’t tried using the Domain Mapping plugin to map to a sub-subdomain such as anything.blogs.mydomain.com; it does work fine for anything.mydomain.com.

I made a blog post with instructions for all the changes I had to make, to have my existing web sites work and to have WP3.0 work multi-site, at WordPress 3.0 Multi-Site Installation with Existing Web Sites.






3 responses to “Wildcard DNS on a Shared Hosting Account”

  1. Brett Avatar

    Thank you for sharing the fantastic details. In a related post, after an update to firefox, an article that used to work on your site shows on the home page, but cannot be accessed directly. I’ll check back later and see if the link is fixed or changed:

    Just thought you should know. =)

    1. Brett Avatar

      Of course it works now. The server must have hiccuped… or it took July 4th holiday early!

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