Close Shaves with Double-Edge Safety Razors

Baili Classic 3-Piece Double Edge Safety Razor Review (Great for Beginners)

As a new wet shaver with big hands, I found the Baili Classic 3-Piece Double Edge Safety Razor (model BD176) to be a great introduction to double-edge shaving. Here’s a breakdown of my experience:

Model: BD176 (mild aggression, good for beginners), aka Victory 176


  • Mild design: This is a good choice for beginners, as it offers a close shave with a lower risk of nicks and cuts (compared to the more aggressive BD171 model). Note that many brands do not specify “mild to aggressive”, so check shaving experts reviews.
  • 76g weight: The razor feels well-balanced and easy to control.
  • Length 94mm / 3.7”: Short for travel. With my “size L” hands, I place my pinkie finger past the handle. I use my thumb and forefinger to control the razor.
  • Three-piece design: Easy to disassemble and clean, and put in a new blade. I prefer this over the “Butterfly” or “twist-to-open” design, fewer moving parts that could get jammed or break. Three-piece razors should last longer (decades) than butterfly razors.
  • Mirrored travel case: Perfect for storing and transporting the razor.

Tips for Beginners:

  • Identify the sharp blade: Be careful when handling the razor, especially the blade compartment. All razors are very sharp. Know what sides are sharp. (The long sides of the blade are very sharp, the short sides are safe to gently handle.)
  • Loading the razor: Place the razor head on a flat surface, handle pointing up. Unscrew the handle, then carefully remove the baseplate and blade (holding it from the narrow sides). Insert a new blade and reassemble the razor, screwing the handle until snug but not overtightened.
  • Baseplate: must be installed proper direction. Upside down you will cut yourself.
  • Light pressure: Apply minimal pressure when shaving, unlike using cartridge razors. Bad habits from using cartridge razors with thick shave cream, will get you nicks with a single-blade razor. With proper technique, these razors will get your shave smoother than any cartridge razor, at much lower cost.
Baili 3-piece razor breakout: razor head, razor blade, base plate, handle. Keep fingers away from long edge of the very sharp razor blade. Unscrew handle to separate.

My Shaving Experience:

  • Learning curve: After reading and watching YouTube videos on using a double-edged razor, I experienced a few minor nicks during my first few shaves, but zero nicks with a little practice. Use minimal pressure against your skin, letting the weight of the razor head hold the blade against your face.
  • Close shave: After a few shaves, I achieved a close shave with minimal irritation. A few areas, like under the jawline, require a second pass for me. I have coarse hair, that grows in different directions. Notice what directions your hairs grow, in different parts of your face; first pass always with the grain, then you can touch up, only where needed, with 90 degrees across the grain.
  • Shaving soap and brush: I recommend using a shaving brush and soap (like Proraso) for a richer lather. Store-bought shave creams are far too thick! The thick creams force you to use too much pressure.
  • Blades: I am using a sampler pack of blades, and while the Dorco blade (mild) worked well, I expect the Astra Platinum blade to be even better.
  • Easy to clean: The razor rinses clean easily, unlike cartridge razors that can get clogged with shaving cream.


The Baili Classic 3-Piece Double Edge Safety Razor is an excellent option for beginners who want a close shave with a lower risk of irritation. The mild blade, well-balanced weight, and easy cleaning process make it a user-friendly razor.

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