How to Integrate Site Editing Navigation Block with Elementor (Free Version) Page Header, in WordPress 6.5+

TwentyTwentyFour child theme, Site Editor, Navigation, I have a menu defined.

I was looking for a way to have that menu display in the free version of Elementor, in the page header.

The first solution I found that looked good was the Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin. It isn’t perfect, so when I find a better solution I’ll make a note here.

Elementor Header & Footer Builder wants to use the old-style menus. There is no Appearance, Menus anymore — that is not for WordPress 6.5.4 block themes. (It is, of course, still the way to use menus for classic themes).

When in Elementor Header & Footer Builder I try to add a Navigation Menu, EHFB (at least June 2024) gives you an error on screen about nav-menu.php and says “Your theme does not support navigation menus or widgets.”

How do I get a header in Elementor Header & Footer Builder with a menu, since Navigation blocks are not available?

Temporary workaround

Install Max Mega Menu which adds Appearance, Menus and a menu editor, so the Elementor Header & Footer Builder’s Navigation Menu works.

You might also want to make a Mega menu. I haven’t tried that, but it looks like a nice plugin.

What’s Next?

Since the documentation and the support explanations for EHFB are terrible, please let me know if you find a plugin that is better, specifically for reading the Site Editor’s Navigation blocks and importing them into the format Elementor or this Elementor header/footer plugin want.



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