Tag: .htaccess
Blocking Access to the Most Important WordPress Files, including .htaccess, wp-config.php
Discover the importance of protecting certain files in your web hosting account from hackers (but WordFence is Easier). Learn how to block unauthorized access.
Security from Bad User Agents
Protecting your site by blocking bad “User Agents”. Troubleshoot pages being incorrectly blocked and add exceptions for user agents you want.
Example of Error Reporting from Error 403:Permission Denied
Get Web Server Errors reported via email and log file. 404, 403, and some 500 errors.
Testing .htaccess Lines Without Crashing Your Site
Techniques for testing complex regular expressions or strings containing special characters, in Apache .htaccess files.
Server alert you of File Not Found and other Errors
Apache or IIS detailed error reporting, for 404:File Not Found or 403:Forbidden errors. Visitors see minimal information, site administrators get log entries and optionally an email about each error.