Example output of ChatGPT generating words of similar meaning that all begin with the same English letter

Advanced Prompt Techniques: Generating Words Beginning with a Specific Letter

There are plenty of questions you can ask of ChatGPT where it gives answers that match the meaning of what you asked, but not all the details. Asking for words that start with a certain letter is one type of question that ChatGPT often ignores.

7 advanced ChatGPT prompt-writing tips you need to know by ZDNet gives some great ways of making prompts.

Tip 7 starts with simple prompt “Word similar to devolve that begins with a B”.
It gives words with similar meaning, but start with differing letters.

Then he realizes that the word “devolve” has several meanings, so specify which one: Generate a verb that starts with the letter “B” and has a similar meaning to “devolve,” specifically indicating the idea of something deteriorating or getting worse.

Tip 7 is about having ChatGPT keep trying its initial result until it finds an answer that meets additional criteria: 

Perform the following steps until step 3 is resolved: 
1. Generate a verb that starts with the letter "B" and has a similar meaning to "devolve," specifically indicating the idea of something deteriorating or getting worse.
2. Determine the first letter of the generated verb
3. If that letter is not "B", repeat steps 1 and 2

That is a very useful technique!

And, for this query there is an easier approach: Ask it to match the meanings, in its language, and then find those that match your English spelling requirements.

Generate verbs that have a similar meaning to "devolve", specifically the meaning of something deteriorating or getting worse. Then select those words that in English start with the letter "B".

ChatGPT 3.5 gives several answers that all match, on the first try.

A verb that has a similar meaning to "devolve" in terms of something deteriorating or getting worse could be "degenerate." Now, let's select words that start with the letter "B" and have a similar meaning to "degenerate":

1. **Blemish**: To mar or impair the quality or appearance of something.
2. **Blur**: To become unclear or indistinct, often indicating a decline in clarity.
3. **Breakdown**: A state of disintegration or failure in a system, organization, or relationship.
4. **Betray**: To reveal one's deteriorating intentions or loyalty, often leading to negative consequences.
5. **Batter**: To damage or wear down through repeated use or harsh conditions.
6. **Bankrupt**: To become financially insolvent, indicating a significant decline in financial stability.
7. **Blight**: To cause harm or deterioration, often used to describe the negative impact on plants and environments.
8. **Brutalize**: To treat someone or something in a harsh and degrading manner, leading to a decline in their condition.
9. **Besmirch**: To tarnish or damage the reputation or purity of something.
10. **Becloud**: To obscure or make something unclear, contributing to its deterioration.

Please note that while these words share a similar meaning to "devolve" in terms of deterioration, they might have slightly different nuances or contexts.

Sometimes thinking of how ChatGPT stores knowledge, helps you make a good prompt. You will often need to combine several advanced prompt techniques.





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