Ventoy makes multiple-ISO USB boot disks. This shows the Ventoy boot menu, listing the ISO files on the boot disk.

Make a Multiple-Boot USB Drive in Linux Mint

Windows ISOs and multiboot USB — Linux Mint User Guide documentation has more information about this.


Ventoy is an open source tool which creates a USB boot drive, with everything needed to boot off that drive and get a boot menu to select the operating system version you want.

On that Ventoy USB drive, you simply copy multiple ISO files, and Ventoy shows them as a bootable menu.

When you boot from the Ventoy USB drive, the menu lists all the ISOs you placed in the partition and you can boot any of them.

Installing Ventoy

See that “Windows ISOs and multiboot USB” page for more details about how to download and install Ventoy.

Go to the Ventoy release page to find the latest version of Ventoy.

Download the tar.gz archive and decompress it. (In Dolphin, or Files aka Nemo, right-click and select “Open with Archive Manager” or “Extract here”. Double Commander is the same.)

How Do You Use Ventoy?

Right-click the decompressed Ventoy folder and choose Open in terminal.

Run the following command to start Ventoy:

sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64

Choose the device which corresponds to your USB drive.

Click the Install button.

Once Ventoy is installed on your USB drive, the drive will be named “ventoy”.

Mount it, and copy ISO files to the stick. Each ISO file is the installation (and often “live boot”) file for a specific version of an operating system (e.g. Linux, Windows, OS/X). You could even add an anti-virus scan boot.

The USB drive is now ready to use as a boot drive.

Boot on the Ventoy USB stick. (Each computer has some way of booting from a different drive than the normal drive. Check your computer’s manual, or as you power-on your computer try pressing keys such as: Del, Esc, F2, F10, F12, F1. This key is usually displayed during the boot process. For example, you may see “Press Del to enter setup” or “Press F2 to access the BIOS.” Or try How to Boot Your Computer From a Disc or USB Drive for more details.)

The ISOs you copied should appear as bootable options.





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