Plugins and Tools to Install for Every WordPress Site

Here is the wp-cli command to install my list of “always install” plugins (see below for “in WordPress” installing):

wp plugin install --activate --skip-plugins --skip-themes accessibility-checker ai-engine akismet autodescription flamingo google-site-kit instant-images media-library-assistant redirection relevanssi svg-support the-seo-framework-extension-manager ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg updraftplus wpforms-lite wp-mail-smtp ws-form

If you edit themes, child themes, theme.json

wp plugin install --activate --skip-plugins --skip-themes wppusher

WPPusher loads your theme from your GitHub account, if you don’t want to use Git to load it.

For most online stores

wp plugin install --activate --skip-plugins --skip-themes cartflows surecart

CartFlows is for tracking how people use your site, “flow” from page to page during the shopping process. You can find out if something in the shopping process isn’t working, or can be improved. You can send reminders when people have something in their shopping cart but don’t purchase.

SureCart is a simpler, faster online store than WooCommerce is. You will likely find SureCart is much easier to set up, unless you have a more complex store than most people would need.

For online courses

Install the plugins for online stores and:

wp plugin install --activate --skip-plugins --skip-themes lifterlms

For complex online stores

If you run a store needing product variations, multiple currencies, multiple shipping options, multiple sales tax zones, use WooCommerce instead of SureCart.

wp plugin install --activate --skip-plugins --skip-themes woocommerce woocommerce-payments woocommerce-paypal-payments

For site security, use WordFence and a password manager.

A password manager aka password keeper, can store any information you want to keep encrypted and want to access online, with structured fields for things like FTP connections, SSH keys, credit cards, software licenses.

Password keeper is probably included with your Windows anti-virus software.

For OS/X and Linux, any of the free password keepers will work. (And install a free anti-virus program, to scan occasionally for files with Windows viruses; you don’t want to give those files to anyone else.)

The Best Antivirus Software for 2023 | PCMag
The Best Free Antivirus Software for 2023 | PCMag

The password keeper I use is LastPass. LastPass is cross-platform, free version probably has everything you need, paid version is inexpensive and has access from multiple devices (e.g. desktop computer and mobile phone). I rarely need it on my phone, so I use phone’s web browser instead of the phone app.

For Manual Installing in WordPress

These are the plugins I install on almost every WordPress site.

accessibility-checkerAccessibility CheckerAudit and check your website for accessibility before you hit publish.
In-post accessibility scanner and guidance.
ai-engineAI Engine: Chatbots, Generators, Assistants, GPT 4 and more!Add AI into WordPress! Chatbot (ChatGPT), content and images generators, copilot, model training and much more! Highly customizable, sleek UI. You will love it!
akismetAkismet Anti-spam: Spam ProtectionUsed by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to
protect your blog from spam. Your site is fully configured and being protected, even while you sleep.
cartflowsCartFlowsCreate beautiful checkout pages & sales flows for WooCommerce.
flamingoFlamingoA trustworthy message storage plugin designed for Contact Form 7. But it works great with most form plugins or forms in page builders.
instant-imagesInstant ImagesOne click image uploads directly to your media library from Unsplash,
Openverse, Pixabay and Pexels.
lifterlmsLifterLMSComplete e-learning platform to sell online courses, protect lessons, offer
memberships, and quiz students.
media-library-assistantMedia Library AssistantEnhances the Media Library; powerful mla_gallery, mla_tag_cloud, mla_term_list, taxonomy support, IPTC/EXIF/XMP/PDF processing, bulk/quick edit.
media-syncMedia SyncSimple plugin to scan uploads directory and bring files to Media Library.
phoenix-media-renamePhoenix Media RenameThe Phoenix Media Rename plugin allows you to simply rename your media files, once uploaded.
redirectionRedirectionManage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors
regenerate-thumbnailsRegenerate ThumbnailsRegenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful
when changing their sizes or your theme.
relevanssiRelevanssiThis plugin replaces WordPress search with a relevance-sorting search.
google-site-kitSite Kit by GoogleSite Kit is a one-stop solution for WordPress users to use everything
Google has to offer to make them successful on the web.
ultimate-addons-for-gutenbergSpectraThe Spectra extends the Gutenberg functionality with several unique and
feature-rich blocks that help build websites faster.
surecartSureCartA simple yet powerful headless e-commerce platform designed to grow your business with effortlessly selling online.
I prefer it over WooCommerce for all but the most complex stores.
svg-supportSVG SupportUpload SVG files to the Media Library and render SVG files inline for
direct styling/animation of an SVG’s internal elements using CSS/JS.
autodescriptionThe SEO FrameworkAn automated, advanced, accessible, unbranded and extremely fast SEO
solution for your WordPress website.
the-seo-framework-extension-managerThe SEO Framework – Extension ManagerAdd more powerful SEO features to The SEO Framework. Right from your
WordPress dashboard.
updraftplusUpdraftPlus – Backup/RestoreBackup and restore: take backups locally, or backup to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV & email, on automatic schedules.
woocommerceWooCommerceAn eCommerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.
(I prefer SureCart for all but the most complex stores.)
woocommerce-paypal-paymentsWooCommerce PayPal PaymentsPayPal’s latest complete payments processing solution. Accept PayPal, Pay
Later, credit/debit cards, alternative digital wallets local payment types
and bank accounts. Turn on only PayPal options or process a full suite of
payment methods. Enable global transaction with extensive currency and country coverage.
woocommerce-paymentsWooPaymentsAccept payments via credit card. Manage transactions within WordPress.
wpforms-liteWPForms LiteBeginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Use our Drag & Drop form
builder to create your WordPress forms.
I usually use WS Form LITE.
wp-mail-smtpWP Mail SMTPReconfigures the wp_mail() function to use Gmail/Mailgun/SendGrid/Brevo/SMTP instead of the default mail() and
creates an options page to manage the settings. Those email hosts will get your emails delivered better than any website host will, with full validation that you are the authorized sender.
wppusherWP PusherPain-free deployment of WordPress themes and plugins directly from GitHub.
ws-formWS Form LITEBuild Better WordPress Forms. Designed for low resource use, at enterprise-level demands.
wordpress-seoYoast SEOThe first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page
content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more. (I prefer The SEO Framework)
The plugins I use, with their wp-cli name, title, and description.